Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Musician: Geneva, Annie

“Music can change the world because it changes people.” This quote is said by Paul David Hewson, a singer songwriter and inspirationalist. Musicians use their musical passions to inspire and teach others. In this speech, I will outline the job description, preparations and advantages of a career in music.
       A musician performs for audiences, travels, and is dedicated to playing and perfecting music. A musician may perform in solos, bands, choirs, or ensembles and have to be fast learners and hard workers. The average orchestral musician can make anywhere between $28,000 to $115,000 a year, all depending on the size of the orchestra. Performers can move up the chairs and get more challenging parts to exercise their musical experience. Most cities that are large enough have a symphony or orchestra of their own, although having a job in this field is not always promised.
      Those who want to be a musician don't need a degree in music but it would help if they had a bachelor's degree in music. One school that offers this type of education in Berklee college. Entrance requirements for this college is: at least a 2.7 GPA and approval of the program chair. This program gives you a greater knowledge of contemporary and traditional styles of music, a greater knowledge of breathing, posture, and technique, the ability to sight read music, and much more.
      Advantages to being a professional musician is the fact that you are the boss. You get to make your own schedule and you can do the things you love while getting paid! Although, there are disadvantages. Disadvantages for this career are: the pay, the fact that you won't always get the job you want, and lastly, that it's not a permanent deal.
      Musicians, whether they know it or not, play an important role in the lives of their listeners and fans. They inspire others, pull emotions, and tell stories. And who wouldn’t want one of their songs stuck in the heads of millions?


  1. I find that you have provided a nice amount of information in your presentation. This would leave anyone looking into this job with little to no research to do on their own. This is professionally done and I commend you on such work.

  2. This is very informational and I think I would enjoy it now that I know more about this career. I think I am willing to take any risk and I am excited to possibly work with you.
