Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to Become A Rocket Scientist - Cole Wineinger

How To Become A Rocket Scientist


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A Rocket Scientist is an Aerospace Engineer.  They specialize in the design and manufacture of spacecraft. An aerospace engineer create vehicles that fly within or outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

A bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a related field is the minimum requirement for entry-level positions. The job of a rocket scientist requires proficiency with physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, propulsion, communications and mathematics.
Average Salary
$103,870 per year!!


  1. Hello. My name is Donavan and I am interested in the job opening you currently have at your business. I would like to contact you about your job so may you please send me an email at

  2. Rocket science seems like a difficult field to be in, but definitely interesting! This job makes a lot of money, it would be an enjoyable career choice.

  3. You flyer is very informative. It shows all the requirements. It makes me want to become a rocket scientist!

  4. Hi, I have seen this flyer, and would like to apply. I would like to be of aid in the exploration of space. Please consider me for this job.

    Thank you, Andrew Windham

  5. Dear Manager,
    I have read and looked over your flyer with great interest. It has always been a dream of mine to go up in space. Because of your informative flyer I have considered to pursue this career to explore the far reaches of space. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Thank you,
    Tanner T.

  6. Hello, I went in depth into your flyer and the descriptions you presented. This job is very complex but sounds quite interesting.

    Thank you,
    Koby Cooper
