Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Criminal Profiler - Jacey and Catherine

Have any of you seen criminal minds? Yeah, of course you have, don’t be silly, everyone has! The job that I plan on doing, or should I say we are doing, is criminal profiling. It isn’t exactly like the one on T.V., but it does do the job that they are doing. You do risk your life at times, but you don’t necessary work for the FBI. The FBI requires that you have at the least one year of working in a police type job, and of course a psych degree. Sadly, criminal profiling is not backed by scientific research and is therefore considered an art. Academics often referred to  criminal profiling as “pseudoscience”. The average salary of a criminal profiler is $35,000 - $60,000 per year. With 5-9 years of experience you can have $46,000 - $82,000. A list of the things you would need to take on this career is
a bachelor’s degree in forensics, criminal justice, psychology, or a related discipline (4 years), Attend a law enforcement academy (3-5 months), Garner experience in the field (several years), Engage in ongoing training (varies), Optional: Attend an FBI Academy (4 months) and, Optional: Get an advanced degree (2-4 years). Going back to the risk your life thing, it may be a major turn off to some people, but you have to take into consideration all of the lives that you are saving by managing this career. You can be giving a family back their precious family member. By simply doing your job, you can be giving a child back their mother or father, think about what it would be like if both or one of your parents weren’t there anymore, and instead you can bring justice to all these innocent people who have been wronged. Just think about it...

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