Monday, April 11, 2016

Veterinarian - Varinna & Ruth

Being a veterinarian is a very rewarding and heartwarming job, though it can be very messy sometimes. Veterinarians work with animals and their owners to provide the care needed to make sure the animals are healthy. Vets take blood, temperature, and weight in basic exams but they can do much more. They diagnose animals' health problems, vaccinate their patients against diseases, such as distemper and rabies, medicate animals suffering from infections or illnesses, treat and dress wounds, set fractures, perform surgery, advise owners about animal feeding, regulate behavior and breeding, and euthanize animals when necessary. There are many different specialties in this field of work, including what kind of animals to work with and what part of the animal. One of the best schools to go to for veterinary medicine is the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine. The typical years spent in college is eight, but it could be more or less, depending on if you want to specialize in anything and if you already have a degree. After graduating, you must pass a test to become licensed begin to practice medicine. A fun fact about being a veterinarian: Veterinarians can work on people as well as animals, while the average doctor can only work on people. The average salary for a veterinarian is $82,000 but it can go up to over $100,000, depending on the area you work in and the amount of customers you treat on a weekly/monthly basis.  You can work in a private practice, a zoo, a factory, a laboratory, and a multitude of other places, and the work hours are different depending on where you work. Being veterinarian is one of the most rewarding jobs out there, and I hope you consider putting your job skills to the test in the field of veterinary medicine.

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