Friday, September 23, 2016
Mrs. Pogue - College Professor
Reflection Paragraph
"Mejoremos nuestras escuelas
What does an education mean? It means a path to open doors. Doors that can provide a much easier and happier lifestyle. However, I took a trip down to Mexico and that was the last thing on people's mind. The people that live there are overwhelmed with they're duties they must fulfill if their family are going to survive. Furthermore, these duties are not just a burden for the parents, but for the children as well. It's a sad sight to see an entire family forced to work to just provide the necessities of life.
By : Tanner
5th period
The blame for these conditions don't fall on to the kids, or the parents, or even the grandparents. The blame rests on the government and the surrounding communities lack of initiative to give the people an education. These families don't have the privilege of obtaining a good education, that further on down the road, will give them the capability of acquiring a job to properly provide for their family. A reason for this is: education in Mexico is not free. The family must pay for the child to go to school to obtain a quality education otherwise the child must go without. In America, we aren't faced with such a challenge of having to pay for our education. We have had the benefit of our government and our neighboring communities aid in the provide the young generation with the tools and skills to be successful and the privilege to be blessed with a free education. The story must flip for most of the countries in Latin America. They must face the harsh truth, that without money, nothing can change for them or their family. That for generations to come their fate is sealed. As a result, the society begins to lack the necessary development to maintain level grounds with modern society as more and more people must succumb to the lack of an education. If no proper growth occurs, then development will cease to exist.
Even though things are bad for the people their is hope for them. This hope isn't found through foreign help or even their own government's help. Hope can be found right in their own communities. Their are companies in the same areas that have significant higher earnings than their neighbors. If these companies truly care for the well-being of others, they should put their extra earnings to be used for a positive impact that helps others and not just themselves. The education system has numerous areas that can be aided. A couple areas they can help in is giving the teachers an increase in salary. The teachers in the system are paid to little to attract anyone and more so incapable provide for themselves. If the teachers have an increase in salary, more people are likely to become a teacher themselves and in return the education system can develop and a higher quality of education can be taught to the students. One more area of importance that, if solved, can change the entire structure of the country: blessing all kids with a chance at a free education. Education in our society is looked as if it's a burden when its really a privilege, and one that should not be taken for granted. In their's, its a stroke of luck that has been given to them. If the surrounding companies aided in providing all the children with a free education then a chance for development can occur and the society will be allowed to take proper shape.
Even though things are bad for the people their is hope for them. This hope isn't found through foreign help or even their own government's help. Hope can be found right in their own communities. Their are companies in the same areas that have significant higher earnings than their neighbors. If these companies truly care for the well-being of others, they should put their extra earnings to be used for a positive impact that helps others and not just themselves. The education system has numerous areas that can be aided. A couple areas they can help in is giving the teachers an increase in salary. The teachers in the system are paid to little to attract anyone and more so incapable provide for themselves. If the teachers have an increase in salary, more people are likely to become a teacher themselves and in return the education system can develop and a higher quality of education can be taught to the students. One more area of importance that, if solved, can change the entire structure of the country: blessing all kids with a chance at a free education. Education in our society is looked as if it's a burden when its really a privilege, and one that should not be taken for granted. In their's, its a stroke of luck that has been given to them. If the surrounding companies aided in providing all the children with a free education then a chance for development can occur and the society will be allowed to take proper shape.
By : Tanner
5th period
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Film Director - Alec
Film Directing is like make a work of art. When an artist makes a work of art, put their heart and soul into their work. That is what makes the art that much more special. Film makers just want to make something that will last from generation to generation. Movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, or even James Bond are franchises that have lasted in our hearts because it meant something to the creators as well. We have thing that mean something to us and for film directors it is their films.
Film Directors also have to chance to to meet hundreds of incredibly interesting and creative people who have their own unique ideas about your works. Wouldn't you feel amazing if you were found out that random kid from Ohio, for instance, was so inspired by your works that they became a film maker themselves. The best part about film making is the fact you are working with something you love with all your heart, and you try extremely hard not to screw it up.
A film director should be someone who is more passionate about it than any of the other crew. These film directors are the ones that create the great film that everyone remembers like Psycho or The Shinning. These are the film makers who make us feel that incredible warmth in our stomachs when we watch a movie for the first time and remember it for the rest of our lives
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Become a cinematographer -Austin
Cinematographers wanted !
A degree in film/cinematography
Necessary skills
Knowledge in lighting, and blocking techniques.
Why become a cinematographer
Cinematography gives the freedom to deliver your very own vision of a film. the film is the window for creativity and is journey worth taking. a lot of people quit during the process the few that choose to stick with this career end truly creating something special. the freedom of creating a story that most jobs do offer in the film world your imagination is the limit. this is why you should pursue the path of the the cinematographer.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Veterinarian - Varinna & Ruth
Being a veterinarian is a very rewarding and heartwarming job, though it can be very messy sometimes. Veterinarians work with animals and their owners to provide the care needed to make sure the animals are healthy. Vets take blood, temperature, and weight in basic exams but they can do much more. They diagnose animals' health problems, vaccinate their patients against diseases, such as distemper and rabies, medicate animals suffering from infections or illnesses, treat and dress wounds, set fractures, perform surgery, advise owners about animal feeding, regulate behavior and breeding, and euthanize animals when necessary. There are many different specialties in this field of work, including what kind of animals to work with and what part of the animal. One of the best schools to go to for veterinary medicine is the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine. The typical years spent in college is eight, but it could be more or less, depending on if you want to specialize in anything and if you already have a degree. After graduating, you must pass a test to become licensed begin to practice medicine. A fun fact about being a veterinarian: Veterinarians can work on people as well as animals, while the average doctor can only work on people. The average salary for a veterinarian is $82,000 but it can go up to over $100,000, depending on the area you work in and the amount of customers you treat on a weekly/monthly basis. You can work in a private practice, a zoo, a factory, a laboratory, and a multitude of other places, and the work hours are different depending on where you work. Being veterinarian is one of the most rewarding jobs out there, and I hope you consider putting your job skills to the test in the field of veterinary medicine.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Graphic Design- Petruzzi, Hayden
Physical Therapist: Kailynne & Haley
Physical Therapist
Kailynne& Haley
Do you like daily challenges? Do you enjoy helping people get better? Then a physical therapist is the job for you. Being a physical therapist is very rewarding. According to APTA spokesmen, Meredith Hayes, a physical therapist located in Detroit, “You will find excitement while working with patients one-on-one, and seeing them progress through their treatment. But the real joy of it all is you know you are making these people's lives better.” The job outlook of a physical therapist is strongly in your favor. The demand for this job is expected to increase by 30% by 2018.
“What does it take to become a physical therapist?” someone might ask. Most programs require you to have a bachelor's degree before applying for the doctor of Physical Therapy Program, or DPT. Although the 3 years of DPT may be considered lengthy to some, it’ll be worth it in the end. Physical Therapist makes an average of $80,000 a year. If helping people is your passion, then physical therapy is the career for you.
Abbey - Recreational Therapist
Is a form of therapy that helps people find methods to cope with their anxiety, depression, and physical disabilities/diseases
This form of therapy can teach the patient how to get past whatever it is that's holding them back from being the best that they can be with activities and an understanding therapist, that won't judge them, to work with them.
There are many different kinds of recreational therapists some specialize in cancer patients or disabled people some specialize in older patients and help them learn to walk, read, and do any other activities they were unable to do.
Doctor; Kristen
Speech: Wouldn't it be nice to earn 400,000-500,000 a year and be super smart?! Take long vacations and get to shop every weekend? You'd definatley be in paradise, but... It does require a lot of work!! Becoming a doctor or a surgeon is an honorable goal, but it is a long and challenging process, beginning with pursuing a bachelor's degree. It is important to note that medicine, and especially surgery, is not a career you can enter quickly. It takes a great deal of diligence and motivation to finish the training as it takes many years of study to practice independently.The path to being a doctor typically takes a minimum of 12 years AFTER high school, specialties with extensive training periods can take five or more additional years.
For surgeons, the training after medical school may last as long as 8 or 9 years, if additional training after residency is required. There are so many steps and years and stresses that will make you wanna quit. But the key is to be committed and do what your suppose to. Confidence is also the key. If your negative about the process of tests, endless work, schedual, you won't be in a good position and can even slack. You never know, maybe helping people's live could be something that you'd love to do for the rest of your life!
Psychology: Emily
Want to be a psychologist! The steps to learn success are right here, keep reading to learn more! Being a psychologist is quite an interesting job. Having the capability of having good communication skills is a great made on becoming a psychologist! To become a psychologist doesn't necessarily mean for you to go to college for full on eight years.The approximate years needed in college is only five years, and trust me they are sure worthwhile! The pay of being a psychologist can also depend on where exactly you work at, or how long you've been within the experience of the study for psychology. The pay also does differ between being a social or a cognitive psychologist. Both of these types of psychology industry are actually quite similar to one another, for example the pay for being any type of psychologist are always at a high pay. The average pay is usually calculated to $35 an hour and approximates to $72,310. So come on and join on! We are here waiting for you with open arms.
Cheyenne Mosley: Forensic Psychologist
Ever wondered if forensic psychology is for you? Forensic psychology is psychology applied to law, so you could have a wide variety of different jobs with this title. You could do anything from determining whether or not a criminal is competent enough to withstand trial to analyzing crime scenes. This career has a climbing employment rate due to crime TV shows like Criminal Minds. If you have exceptional observation skills, do well with different types of people, and love playing a part in justice being done.
The salary can be varied but you can get from $35,000- 120,000, so you can get paid quite well with this career. There would never be a dull moment within this practice, because many different people with a plethora of different issues will come to you and these situations are never exactly the same. This career can offer many things like money, entertainment in the form of troubled people, so I hope you choose this career over some boring, lousy paid desk job.
The salary can be varied but you can get from $35,000- 120,000, so you can get paid quite well with this career. There would never be a dull moment within this practice, because many different people with a plethora of different issues will come to you and these situations are never exactly the same. This career can offer many things like money, entertainment in the form of troubled people, so I hope you choose this career over some boring, lousy paid desk job.
Marine Biology Katlyn O.
Athletic Trainer: Jaden
I believe you should be an athletic trainer, to become an athletic trainer you will need at least a bachelors degree in sports medicine. When you become an athletic trainer with a bachelors degree you will make about $40,000 to $45,000, this isn't a lot, but having a degree in sports medicine opens a up a multitude of job opportunities. These jobs consist of a doctor of osteopathy, exercise physiologist, kinesiotherapist, medical doctor, nurse, and physical therapist. People may confuse an athletic trainer with a personal trainer, but they are very different. A personal trainer specifically works with one person and is usually in a gym setting and they aren't highly qualified, but an athletic trainer usually works with a team in a gym setting or a game setting, or even when the person gets injured and is in recovery. Hopefully i have convinced you to take a look in being an athletic trainer.
Speech There is a mission to be completed ideas to spread, people to communicate. Our company is in search for a leader , an open mind. Not much is needed but a sense of creativity . Becoming a marketing manager is becoming the image of the business as you are the one to be in charge of Expanding there or even your idea , research trend , come up with a logo brandings , commercials, product names . etc. I few requirements is having your Bachelor's degree in Business publicity , or even one in Business Management. You could be earning up to 151k a year with just 3 years of college JUST 3 YEARS !!!.. You will be the leader. You would be able to see your ideas in clothing billboards commercials posters etc. Communication will be a big role in your journey through becoming a marketing manager. You will lead a group of marketing , Deepen relationship with all media to ensure the most effective messaging and positioning of the organization . There is a high Career Outlook meaning there would be a growth in this job by 2021 and lack of competition. This job can be risky but would lead to a better lifestyle , a better living , a good pay.
Adileni Sanchez
Adileni Sanchez
Ever heard the phrase knowledge is power? Well kids today don’t really care about knowledge. Teenagers and children are more interested in their phones and video games than books. Books (and before that scrolls) have been one of the greatest sources of knowledge for thousands of years (until the Internet). Not many books have been able to reach to kids today. In a time like this, authors are needed to reach out to children today. Some good examples of these authors are Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), and Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games). The thing all of them have in common is that they are able to reach out to kids today.
Today, 56% of children 8-12 have smartphones, 38% of kids under 2 have smartphones, and 91% of teens 13-17 have use the Internet via mobile device. 1 in 5 (20%) children finish a book (reading a book assigned by a teacher doesn’t count since it wasn’t chosen voluntarily). Childhood is a crucial time in life. Kids need important role models in life, and we need more authors to enrich children’s lives with literature.
Chef - Elizabeth Morgan
People will always want to eat, no matter what the economy is like. People will want comfort through food, and the more they can be given for the lower a price, the more they will be willing to visit and eat at a restaurant. Chefs will always be wanted and a market will always be present. Not only will you be able to serve others in a market, you will be able to feed yourself as necessary. A stabled market contributes to job security, and a love for food leads to easy survival at home and at work. Find a job you love, and if you love food then this might be your job.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Registered Nurse- Kalee
You can easily notice a nurse when your walking in the hallways of a hospital. They’re the men and women in scrubs, racing around. Most people know that they do a lot of work, but what do they really do? Nurses just don’t give shots, they help with medication, treatments, and do a lot, and I mean a lot of paperwork. They work with patients of all backgrounds and ages. What does it take to become a nurse? It requires having a loving personality, and great speech skills. You will also have to have great problem solving skills, have to be critical thinkers, and perceptive of patients needs. To become a nurse you can either have an Associates Degree in Nursing(ADN) which requires two-three years of college or you can have a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Nursing(BSN) which requires four or more years of college. With the ADN, you will get job opportunities, but not as much as having BSN. There are many skills that you need to have to be a nurse such as: Patient Care, Patient/Family Education and Instruction, Nurse Management, and so much more. Becoming a Registered Nurse will earn you $43,000-$83,000 a year and $20-$30 an hour. Becoming a nurse will also help many people in need of care. You can make a difference in other people’s lives just by becoming a nurse. So become a nurse today and you’ll make a difference in the world.
S.W.A.T Team Jimmy, Juan
Architecture Diligent Designers - Greg Page
Architecture Diligent Designers
We feel your struggle with trying to accomplish something you love. In this business you have the opportunity to experience the work of architecture while learning more about architecture in college. Architectural Diligent Designers will always teach you that hard work and patience goes a long way. We will also provide you an office that you are to style anyway that makes you feel like home.
Over 80 people have found success since the business has started.If you start in the summer you have 90% chance of starting fresh in new projects.
Criminal Law: Caden Pior and Dylan Mckee
Have you or a family member ever been murdered? How about kidnapped or seriously injured? Then you should call your Criminal Lawyer! There are always plenty of those around. If you would want to become one you would have to go to school for at least 6 years, four years in college and at least 2 in law school. It may seem like a long time, but the things that come out of it are great! Like the paychecks. Most Law-Firms pay at least 100 dollars every two hours! There is even a Law-Firm in New York that pays 350 dollars an hour!!!
The great thing about being a Criminal Lawyer is that you can take both sides! Meaning that if the defendant, or the person being accused, hires you, you have to find evidence and witnesses that show that they aren’t guilty. But if you are with the plaintiff, or the person accusing the defendant, then you have to find evidence and witnesses that do prove the defendant is guilty.
Either way they pay you whether you win or lose. Winning gets you a better reputation and can earn you more money. Losing will increase your bad reputation and people won’t come to you and it could ruin your law-firm’s reputation and get you fired! So you should always try to win.
Being a criminal lawyer has its perks, but it also has downsides. Some of them are really late nights and not getting a lot of time with your family. But overall it is a great job.
Chemical Engineering: Anthony Hayes

Have you ever seen a movie where a mad scientist cooks up some crazy potion and then tries to take over the world. Well that’s basically what a chemical engineer does. A chemical engineer manipulates chemical components to perform multiple assigned objectives. Today I will be talking about the required degree, their salary, and job availability.
To manipulate chemicals to reach a desired outcome requires an intense knowledge of chemical formulas. For that reason you need to have at least a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. Although that is all that is required, I would recommend a master's or doctoral degree for those who want to jump up the corporate ladder. A bachelor’s degree can only earn you an entry level position where you may not get a higher salary.
Another good reason for becoming a chemical engineer is the money. A chemical engineer makes roughly $50 dollars an hour. That mean in regular 8 hour work day you’ll make $400 dollars. But really, it all depends on what kind of degree you have. A entry position job normally starts out with an annual salary of $59,000, and while they can work their way up to the 157,000 made by those with more extensive training, it would take many years working for the same company.
Now, if you're worried about getting hired, don’t worry. There are currently 32,230 chemical engineers in the work force. And due to it’s difficulty, the number of open spots increase every day. That’s not the only reason chemical engineers are needed. As natural resources get used up, more engineers are needed to come up with energy conservative ways to produce materials. These materials range from making medicine and perfume, to more ordinary items such as plastic or synthesizing new rubber.
Today I have told you why chemical engineering is the best job for you. I told you about the education requirements, the annual salary, and the job availability. So go out and become a chemical engineer and unleash your inner mad scientist.
Criminal Defense Lawyer, Mateo
A criminal defense lawyer’s main job is to represent a client or organization who have been accused of criminal misconduct. To win a case one must have the main skills needed to be a good lawyer. These skills are critical thinking, active listening, reading comprehension, and writing which are some of many skills a lawyer must have. Setting skills aside the educational requirements are the most important, and these requirements are; 4 years of college, 3 years law school, and pass with high marks on the LSAT(Law School Admission Test). The LSAT being the most important because it decides if you are accepted into law schools. Which brings me to life after college; most of the time you will be having a hard time with finding a law firm that fits your standards or that hires you, but the job outlook is said to increase in the next 6 to 7 years giving new attorneys enough time to find a good firm. This brings me to the conclusion which would be salary, it is good pay and the annual salary is around $113,310. This varies from lawyer to lawyer and will be a big reward for all those years of hard work.
Registered Nurse, Olympia and Rylee Jo
- Bachelor's degree (4 years of college)
Bubbly personality
- Lover of helping people
- 65,000-68,000 a year!
What will I be doing?
- Record patients’ medical histories and symptoms. Administer patients’ medicines and treatments. Set up plans for patient's care or contribute to existing plans. Observe patients and record the observations. Consult and collaborate with doctors and other healthcare professionals. Operate and monitor medical equipment. Help perform diagnostic tests and analyze the results. Teach patients and their families how to manage illnesses or injuries. Explain what to do at home after a treatment.
Architecture Diligent Designers
Searching 4 Creative Minds
- 4 - year College Degree
- Casual Clothing
- Computer Engineering Degree
- Experience in 1 year of college
Contacts: 254-999-1837 ,
254-101-2537 or 254-102-3361!!Architecture Diligent Designers
We feel your struggle with trying to accomplish something you love. In this business you have the opportunity to experience the work of architecture while learning more about architecture in college. Architectural Diligent Designers will always teach you that hard work and patience goes a long way. We will also provide you an office that you are to style anyway that makes you feel like home.
Over 80 people have found success since the business has started.
Architect: Jose
So, after presenting to you this wonderful flyer, you might still need to think about your choices. Well, I'm going to make things easier and sum things up for you.
Architects draw out blueprints for future plans. These plans can can consist of: house, building, skyscrapers, boats, cruise ships, airplanes, bridges, roads, etc. In order to become an architect you will need a 4 to 5 year education and must receive either a Bachelor's in Architecture or a Master's in Architecture.
Although it will cost you from $15,000 to $60,000 each year of your education, you will most definitely earn any money spent on your education if you successfully graduate after those extra few years of school. Especially since your pay will span somewhere between $44,030 and $119,410 a year, or $38.13. This of course depends on the architect you become.
After those years and a few jobs to use as experience, you can come to us to help you on your journey to full accomplishment. We will make our classes feel as home with the coziness of the rooms we provide for entering our wonderful program.
How to Become A Rocket Scientist - Cole Wineinger
How To Become A Rocket Scientist
A Rocket Scientist is an Aerospace Engineer. They specialize in the design and manufacture of spacecraft. An aerospace engineer create vehicles that fly within or outside of Earth’s atmosphere.
A bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a related field is the minimum requirement for entry-level positions. The job of a rocket scientist requires proficiency with physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, propulsion, communications and mathematics.
Average Salary
$103,870 per year!!
Rocket Scientist
IT Professional, Zachary J.
- We are a fortune 500 #35 Company - Which means we are the 35th largest company in the world.
- We have been in business for over 95 years and never laid anyone off
- We are the number 1 financial services organization in the United States and we aspire to be the number 1 asset protection services organization in the United States.
- We have the largest IT shop in the world 6,500 internal employees and another 6,000 external employees, therefore our IT shop within our organization is 12,500 strong.
- We hire every IT professional you can think from Architects to Analysts to Testers
- Technology wise we have coded applications in seventeen different coding languages, from mainframe assembler, Cobol, PL1 to newer technologies like Java, Perl 5, C++
- We use virtually every Database Management System available IMS, DB2 Z/OS, LUW DB2, Hadoop, (SQL) Sequel Server, Oracle, Postgres, Riak, Mongo, NoSQL, and many others
- We have over 82 million accounts and have database tables with billions of rows
(we store more than 10 times the amount of data of the library of congress - we are talking about petabytes)
- We have seemingly unlimited training opportunities both in house and we are very active with vendor training and industry technology conferences as well
- We have excellent advancement and internal movement opportunities
We have an excellent starting salary as IT position in general are consistently in the top 3 positions being hired right out of college - both in numbers of employees and amount of salary
In addition to excellent compensation and amazing benefits, in a very stable and financially strong organization with incredible training and advancement opportunities, we also offer flexible work scheduling. We pride ourselves in the fact that work/life balance is essential to a happy and productive workforce. We genuinely care about our employees and their success as their success is tied to our company’s success. We hire people for careers and not jobs and it is built right into our company culture.
So, if you want excellent pay and benefits, work life balance, job security and stability, that promises challenging work where you will learn and grow - then IT Professionals is exactly where you should be.
Restaurant Manager: Yvette
Ever wondered what's it's like to own your own restaurant ? To be your own boss , working with different people and pass it further generations .
In my experience i have put something together to help you understand what i do , I am the owner of Seafood Shack in Dallas , Texas . We currently have two locations , one on Webb Chapel and another on Northwest Highway , it is a family owned restaurant . We are also currently working on another location in mesquite , Texas coming soon . Seafood Shack, located just a hop, skip and jump from Cine mark 17, is the perfect "bite-n-a-movie" evening destination. We are a very family friendly, casual dining experience. We offer a wide variety of dishes for lunch and dinner. From crisp fried fish & shrimp baskets, amazing crab legs to unique authentic family recipes. Let's not forget to mention our signatures (what put us on the map), Mexican Shrimp Cocktails and mouth watering Ceviche. It's the best in town, we are so very confident about this we print it on the back of our company t-shirts! We truly are fully committed to serving the freshest made to order dishes, every time!
Ten years ago a seafood restaurant was merely an idea we contemplated now and then. Originally from Guadalajara , Mexico and quiet the food enthusiasts; we decided the neighborhood lacked a good home seafood joint. So we started cooking up a seafood storm. And the neighborhood loved us for it .
In my experience of owning this wonderful long term restaurant , i have met new people and got a better understanding and knowledge of what it means to own one . Not only did i do this stuff but my further generations will also experience the amazing times i have had in this restaurant . Owning a restaurant has its perks and disadvantages but overall it will always be what i want to do .
Some perks about owning your own restaurant is you are your own boss , being your own boss means you don't have limits . You can express your creativity in how you decorate or how you like the food you can have southern , Italian , Mexican , seafood and Chinese . In my case i choose two types and used family recipe and made what is now standing , seafood shack . I'm not only the worker but owning a restaurant also means it is a job i peel shrimp , open oysters and much more . Another good thing about owning your own restaurant is you never really pay for food , but you end up eating breakfast lunch and sometimes dinner there so money saved . Who doesn't love more money in their pocket ? But the most important thing to remember is the best part of owning a restaurant is meeting new people and sometimes people come in on a daily basis . You make friends and meet lovely interesting new people .
Overall , owning has really good advantages and it's something i would love to do to follow my family's footsteps .
In my experience i have put something together to help you understand what i do , I am the owner of Seafood Shack in Dallas , Texas . We currently have two locations , one on Webb Chapel and another on Northwest Highway , it is a family owned restaurant . We are also currently working on another location in mesquite , Texas coming soon . Seafood Shack, located just a hop, skip and jump from Cine mark 17, is the perfect "bite-n-a-movie" evening destination. We are a very family friendly, casual dining experience. We offer a wide variety of dishes for lunch and dinner. From crisp fried fish & shrimp baskets, amazing crab legs to unique authentic family recipes. Let's not forget to mention our signatures (what put us on the map), Mexican Shrimp Cocktails and mouth watering Ceviche. It's the best in town, we are so very confident about this we print it on the back of our company t-shirts! We truly are fully committed to serving the freshest made to order dishes, every time!
Ten years ago a seafood restaurant was merely an idea we contemplated now and then. Originally from Guadalajara , Mexico and quiet the food enthusiasts; we decided the neighborhood lacked a good home seafood joint. So we started cooking up a seafood storm. And the neighborhood loved us for it .
In my experience of owning this wonderful long term restaurant , i have met new people and got a better understanding and knowledge of what it means to own one . Not only did i do this stuff but my further generations will also experience the amazing times i have had in this restaurant . Owning a restaurant has its perks and disadvantages but overall it will always be what i want to do .
Some perks about owning your own restaurant is you are your own boss , being your own boss means you don't have limits . You can express your creativity in how you decorate or how you like the food you can have southern , Italian , Mexican , seafood and Chinese . In my case i choose two types and used family recipe and made what is now standing , seafood shack . I'm not only the worker but owning a restaurant also means it is a job i peel shrimp , open oysters and much more . Another good thing about owning your own restaurant is you never really pay for food , but you end up eating breakfast lunch and sometimes dinner there so money saved . Who doesn't love more money in their pocket ? But the most important thing to remember is the best part of owning a restaurant is meeting new people and sometimes people come in on a daily basis . You make friends and meet lovely interesting new people .
Overall , owning has really good advantages and it's something i would love to do to follow my family's footsteps .
Civil Engineer: Donavan
Civil Engineer
Being a civil engineer to some may seem boring and dull, but unlike many other job careers which tend to get repetitive as you go on, civil engineers face new tasks and challenges on every assignment that they receive. These tasks tend to bring in great rewards as they can reap great benefits both in the short term and long term. From earning $44 just at entry-level that in turn can lead to a six figure salary in earnings and strong job security help ensure both your financial and personal future will always be intact. Time and demand are in no question being a civil engineer as most engineers work the standard 40-hour work week Monday-Friday, but it can be made flexible to meet both personal and situational life demands without much worry and hassle. From designing city structures to finding and developing the right selection of land to clear to build a bridge, being a civil engineer not only brings in great rewards but also a great feeling of accomplishment and knowing that you helped your local community continue to growing by improving its infrastructure and city facilities. Hard work reaps its rewards being a civil engineer and is a career that is one that few regret entering into.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Obstetrician: Chloe
Maya Angelou once said, "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." I can't think of anything more breathtaking than witnessing the miracle of life. The UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies are born every day around the world. The majority of people don't receive a chance to witness the incredible event of a childbirth, but an obstetrician is a part of 5 to 9 deliveries a week. The path to becoming an obstetrician can be difficult and time consuming, but once you complete the rigorous journey, the results are rewarding. Obstetricians are one of the highest paid doctors, receiving an annual average of $240,000 a year, but the money isn't the only profitable outcome. Obstetricians also observe the power of love through devoted spouses, committed women, and encouraging friends. Individuals who want to participate in a valuable job that has purpose, can find what they're looking for as an obstetrician. Witness the miracle of life, and impact the families that you meet by delivering these little bundles of joy.
Graphic Designer: Cowley
Do you have a passion for creating original, creative concepts
that captures your artistic ability? Can you use computer soft-wares to meet the needs of your client’s ideas? If you do, then graphic design sounds like a job for you. By captivating customers eyes, you will either work free-handedly or operate a system where you compose icons, websites, or logos. Your client will ask you to incorporate changes and ideas to finish the product. To do so, you will have to work with a team using communication and analytical skills, but you will have to manage your time to meet a deadline. Graphic design will allow you to socialize and capture ideas through others’ perspectives. Through hard work and dedication in college, and paying around 90,000 dollars to get a bachelor’s degree, you will find true happiness with doing something you love( and it pays quite a bit too )!
that captures your artistic ability? Can you use computer soft-wares to meet the needs of your client’s ideas? If you do, then graphic design sounds like a job for you. By captivating customers eyes, you will either work free-handedly or operate a system where you compose icons, websites, or logos. Your client will ask you to incorporate changes and ideas to finish the product. To do so, you will have to work with a team using communication and analytical skills, but you will have to manage your time to meet a deadline. Graphic design will allow you to socialize and capture ideas through others’ perspectives. Through hard work and dedication in college, and paying around 90,000 dollars to get a bachelor’s degree, you will find true happiness with doing something you love( and it pays quite a bit too )!
Psychiatrist: Baridon
Does helping people function interest you, but you can't stand the sight of blood? Well the field of psychiatry might be for you! Psychiatry is amazing because of its community, purpose, and pay.
There is a limited number of psychiatrists in the U.S., so the potential for a well paying and successful job is more likely.
Psychiatry offers you a chance to help the world by healing minds.
Like other medical fields, psychiatry offers a high paying salary with the correct experience.
Being a psychiatrist is no easy job, but the payout emotionally and financially just soothes the mind.
There is a limited number of psychiatrists in the U.S., so the potential for a well paying and successful job is more likely.
Psychiatry offers you a chance to help the world by healing minds.
Like other medical fields, psychiatry offers a high paying salary with the correct experience.
Being a psychiatrist is no easy job, but the payout emotionally and financially just soothes the mind.
Oncologist , Sophie Creech
Being an oncologist is not just being a doctor, it is the act of helping someone in need every day. Oncologist study and treat tumors. That means Patients come to you for a sense of release, they put their trust in you. Oncologist have many perks to their job, besides the lifelong friendships with your work members and patients, they can make up to $400,000 a year , 4 weeks of vacation a year, and make work hours flexible around their own personal schedule. Becoming an oncologist is hard work , but it is more than worth it. Some of the requirements include: Medical College, Admissions Test (MCAT), Oncology fellowship program, and a U.S. Medical Licensing. While on the job you will be working with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Oncology is definitely not a job for everyone, but for those that wish to join the profession will have life experiences like no other.
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